Is this it? Is this the big wake-up call we needed? 

by Treehuggers Bracelets, October 16th 2020

You have probably seen this image before, and if not this exact one then something else that looks a lot like it.

An injured animal, distressed, afraid, nowhere to go.

This 1-year old bear was found laying near a pond, hurt after escaping a large fire in Colorado. Its paws were burned, and it was clearly in a lot of pain. 

Local wildlife officers rushed it out of the disaster zone to receive treatment in a nearby wildlife rescue facility. The bear was bandaged and treated for his wounds. 

This bear was extremely lucky! But I can’t imagine, or maybe I just don't want to, what happened to the other ones who weren’t as fortunate.

And as our planet gets hotter, drier and more unpredictable. These images will inevitably become more frequent. 

Is protecting animals and habitats important for you? 

If so, you should really stick around and read on until the end. 

Because I’m going to share with you some new information and hopefully get you to open your eyes and wake up from your deep sleep.

It wasn't that long ago that I too felt frustrated by it all

Tired of watching the same images on the news. 

Tired of hearing about yet another animal suffering, or another forest being cut down. 

Tired of that sickening feeling of helplessness. Like there was nothing I could do to help. 

I wanted to scream at anyone and everyone... 

Wake-up! Can't you see what we are doing? 

I wanted a way to make a difference. I wanted change.

And I wanted to know that I did my small part to make our world a better place.

I knew that if I could solve this for myself, I could inspire and make it easier for other people to do the same.

If you could save an endangered species, would you do it?  

We constantly hear stories about an endangered species facing impending horrific doom. 

We tend to think of wild animals and plants as the only ones being at risk, but somehow we fail to understand a simple yet terrifying truth. 

There is one species on the planet that is never being mentioned on the endangered list. We think of it as the mightiest species on Earth, but truth be told, it is just as vulnerable as any other. Just as prone to extinction.

Can you guess which species am I talking about?

It’s us – human beings.

What? You may ask. Humans endangered? But… We’re everywhere. Almost 8 billion of us are (still) walking around, living our lives, right?

Well, yes, that is correct. But I think the main part is that little bit about just "living our lives". We are so consumed in our day to day life that we tend to forget the bigger picture and the awful truth. 

Human beings are responsible for the current ongoing climate crisis. 

In the past 50 years we have produced more carbon dioxide and other harmful greenhouse gases, than in the previous 10,000 years. 

We've exploited almost 70% of our planet's natural landscape, cutting down forests to grow crops. Hunting animals for profit. Making a living off of destroying the planet. 

But this "party" has got to end. 

As Sir David Attenborough mentions in a recent film. 

"Nature has a finite number, a limited amount of trees in the forest, a limited amount of fish in the sea, a limited amount of abuse our environment can take". 

"And if there is a finite amount of anything, then by definition it is not sustainable. And can not be relied upon".

A timeline of things to come.

Humans cut down up to 15 billion trees per year! Making way for domesticated farms, growing crops and livestock. 

Domestic animals require vast areas of land to graze and grow. Making half of the fertile land on the planet today - farmland. Since the 1950s, wild animal populations have halved, while domestic bird and livestock populations have skyrocketed. 

70% of birds on Earth are now domesticated, mostly chickens. 60% of the animals we raise are meant for us to eat. 

The rest - from mouse to whale, all wild animals, make up just 4% of our planet's living beings.

And future predictions are unsettling.

By the 2030s

With continued deforestation, woodlands and rainforests have degraded to a point where they can no longer produce enough moisture, transforming into a dry savanna. 

Not only does this decimate the huge biodiversity found in forests, but it also alters the global water cycle. Causing floods and droughts. 

The Arctic will start experiencing ice-free summers. Without the white ice-caps, less of the sun's energy will be reflected back out to space. This accelerates global warming further. 

By the 2050s

The lack of breathing forests and the huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continue to heat the oceans. Creating acidic environments for marine life. The fish population crashes, effecting millions of people who rely on the ocean for their livelihoods. 

By the 2080s

As even more farmland replaces forests, soils become exhausted and overused, unable to grow healthy crops. Global food production goes into a crisis. The weather becomes ever more unpredictable. 

By the 2100s

The planet, barren of forestland, is 4 degrees Celsius warmer, rendering large parts of the Earth uninhabitable and leaving millions of people homeless. 90% of all species we know today have disappeared. As people, we fight for access to clean water, shelter and food. 

A "blueprint" of the 6th mass extinction in our planet's history. A chain reaction, starting right now with the loss of our forests.

And the "best" part? 

This is happening in our life time! Our children and grandchildren will live through these catastrophes. 

Unless we wake up to the reality...

We are killing our own habitat. 

And we're doing it one species at a time. 

A few cozy facts

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A lot to take in? 

Gets you thinking, what can I do? Just one person... Maybe we really are doomed. 

But... There is some good news. 

There is something AMAZING about this otherwise horrific situation. 

There is still hope.

We still have time to halt and even reverse the damage we've done. 

Coexisting with nature... For our own survival.

The real cause of this destruction is shockingly simple. 

What I'm about to say is painful...

I wish I didn't have to say it. 

But you need to hear it. You must hear it and know the truth. 

The world we live in - you, me, and everyone we know - is full of more luxuries, more technology, more convenience than ever experienced in history. 

It doesn't even come close. 

Did you know that even queens and kings of old, with all their riches, still lived significantly worse lives than you and me do. 

We have running water. Electricity. Access to the internet. Sewer infrastructure. Easily accessible food. Medical care. 

And the list goes on. 

The terrible truth is that we've reached a point where our natural environment can not sustain us any longer as a species. 

The lives we lead are creating more toxic carbon waste than any humans that have ever lived before us. 

The average American alive today, for example, creates 20 TONS of carbon dioxide every year. 

4-8 acres of trees are cut down as a direct result.  

Every single second, an entire football field of forest is destroyed. It's hard to grasp how FAST this really is without a visual reference in front of you... 

So here is a picture of a deforested area the size of one football field, for reference. 
Looks bad doesn't it? By the time it took you to read this sentence, most of the green in this image has vanished. 

Trees are directly tied to carbon sequestration (taking carbon out of our atmosphere and locking it in), and so, when our trees go, a massive chain reaction of events follows

Scary to think about, but crucial to understanding our part in the destruction.

Our future lies in the balance. 

We need to restore or "rewild" global biodiversity. When eco-systems are diverse, they are better able to perform essential services like carbon sequestration. 

We need to reduce the space we use for farmland and instead make space for returning wilderness. Restoring habitats where wildlife can thrive.

And finally, we need to halt deforestation, now! 

Forests are the planet’s biggest ally in locking away carbon. And if forests keep their huge biodiversity in tact, they will only do so better. Become more resilient and effective at absorbing more carbon.

A good example of this can be seen in Costa Rica. 

A century ago, more than three-quarters of the nation was covered with forest. By the 1980s, thanks to rampant deforestation, this was reduced to only one quarter. The government intervened, giving grants to landowners to replant native trees. Thanks to this initiative, forests now cover half of Costa Rica once more.

The problems are immense but if we break them down, we see that there is still a lot we can and MUST do. 

Human beings are blessed by the power of being able to plan for the future. We have the knowledge and skills to make a difference. 

We have to reexamine our relationship with nature, working with it instead of against it. To restore our planet to its former glory. 

And to save ourselves in the process.  

This is a wake up call. We are ENDANGERED!

Remember the "Lion King" and the circle of life? 

Every species is dependent on another species to survive. We are all part of a single fabric connecting between African lions, South American sloths and North American honey bees.
Scientific research is all but overwhelming and is recording the changes happening on our planet in real time. 

It is now clear, if nothing is done, over half the planet's forests will be erased and there will be more extinct species than live animals, by the year 2050.  

When half the species are gone, the entire system crumbles. We are reaching a critical tipping point of no return. 

Once we go over that point, there is no going back and the environment we hold so dear, will begin to dissolve and break down, as species die out one by one. 

All the way to the top of the food-chain, us

"Planting trees is the most important thing we can do to contribute to the health of the planet".

U.N. Secretary-General, António Guterres.

This quote by U.N. Secretary-General, António Guterres. Gives us a lot of hope. 

But hope alone is not enough. We have to follow through. 

There is one word we need to live by, one word that can make a difference in the lives of almost 8 billion people. 


We have to take action. 

Not tomorrow. Not next week. 

We need to act now. 

I didn't write this article to tell you how desperate the situation is. 

My guess is you already knew that. 

I wrote this article to tell you about Treehuggers and the incredible principle we are using to reverse all of the damage and help heal our planet. 

And how YOU now have the ability... never before possible... to join the solution. 

Because if you are not part of the solution, sadly you are just leaving your mess to be undone by someone else who is actually willing to act. 

Sadly, some people will never act. 

They will claim they want change, but never change themselves. 

What I'm about to say is very controversial. 

But only because of how painful it is to realize that it is true. 

Please understand me, the reason I'm about to say this is because of it being true. And we need to face the truth if we are ever going to change and reverse the destruction on a massive scale. 

We are quick to blame others in our misfortune but usually can not accept that we are part of the problem. 

When we think of the climate crisis, it's easy to blame the "global 1%". We often imagine huge corporations destroying our planet for a quick profit, elitist societies that live lavishly while the rest of us suffer. 

And we would be right, they are absolutely in the top 1%.

But that is only part of the story. The full truth is that these people are in the top .001% on the global scale. 

And here comes the punch in the gut. 

Anyone making over $32,500 a year is in the global 1%.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to defend massive corporations or the mega-rich. What they are doing is absolutely sickening. 

But we have to realize that many of us, though not rich by many standards, are extremely wealthy on the global scale. 

And because of this wealth, we automatically have a larger negative effect on the environment. 

It's why the average carbon footprint for the entire global population is 5 tons per year. But the average carbon footprint of people living in developed countries reaches above 20 TONS per year

Meaning that if you are reading this article, most chances are that you are in that 1% or at the very least, the top global 10%. 

Even more so, it means that you have a bigger responsibility to play a part in fixing this problem. We must come to terms with the fact that we are all responsible on some level for contributing to this crisis. 

All I would ask of you is to take a small yet significant step and do your part. 

Become part of our movement and spread the word. Wake people up and get everyone involved. 

Otherwise... We don't stand a chance. 

We are endangered. 

If we can destroy. We can rebuild. 

We are all responsible for the state of our planet. Truth is, if we all do just a little bit better, we can end this crisis and go back to planning a normal, peaceful life. Among nature and not against it. 

Treehuggers is a social movement for changeAnd we are gaining speed FAST.

We believe that coexistence with nature is essential to our survival. We believe that acting now and together is the key.

And with over 70,000 active people planting trees, our Treehuggers are making a huge positive impact.

We're here to give a wake-up call to anyone who needs itAnd don't feel bad, most of us need it.  

It really does get me when I see people who love our planet come together to do something good.

Giving our planet a fighting chance.

Doing something to clean our atmosphere, protect our environment, rebuild lost habitats, doing our part. Together.

Being able to say, "look, I did that". I helped save our planet. I played my part.

Join the movement, plant a tree, pay it forward. 

As the saying goes, "Earth wasn't built in a day". 

We have a long struggle ahead of us, to change people's perceptions about their own personal role in our ongoing climate crisis. 

And we all play a role. 

We partner with planting organizations around the world and plant our trees on protected land. 

These trees are chosen in meticulous fashion, growing in local nurseries. Each tree is specifically chosen to benefit the eco-system in which it is planted, to serve it in the best possible way.

Our Eco-friendly, handmade, bracelets mark your commitment to save our species and our planet. A token, a symbol of change.

Connecting people in the fight against climate change, and against our own destruction. Planting more trees in the world, creating a better tomorrow. 

You can get one (or more) of our bracelets right here and join the Treehuggers movement today. 

Start making a difference in the race to save our species

American habitat restoration band: Plant a tree with every bracelet 🌲



Our nature loving, treehuggin’ community is stepping in to help restore American habitats destroyed in the recent west coast fires. Every bracelet purchased plants one tree and funds forest research projects with our planting partner American Forests. Wear it as a reminder to conserve and restore forestlands and encourage others to take action to protect what they love.


  • Every bracelet purchased plants one tree in the U.S. by our planting partner, American Forests.
  • 100% post-consumer recycled plastic string.
  • Stainless steel Treehuggers charm.
  • Hand-assembled to perfection.
  • Packaged in a reusable cotton drawstring pouch, inside our all biodegradable plastic-free packaging.
  • 100% Waterproof: We encourage you to wash your bracelet in tap water and let it dry on your wrist for a perfect fit.
  • Adjustable design fits from 2-4 inches in diameter.


U.S. Orders: 3-5 business days for delivery. International: 5-10 business days. Shipping fees calculated at checkout. Please note that some international orders (outside the U.S.) may incur customs fees, we advise you to check with your local post authority.


To bring together the world’s biggest tree planting community. Our 70,000 members have been fortunate enough to plant over 130,000 trees and make a real difference in the world.


KOALA habitat restoration band: Plant a tree with every bracelet 🌲


Adjustable for all wrists


Thousands of people are already taking a stand to do their part

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